Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Rathaus and more German

Yesterday I was very tired/busy so I didn't get a chance to update... but I went to Marienplatz again, and returned some of the things I bought from H&M. I also wandered around Hauptbanhof for a while and booked a trip to Salzburg and to see the castles south of Munich this weekend. I'm very excited for those....

Here's some pictures of the Rathaus in Marienplatz. It's where the mayor lives.

And my First German Beer:

I'm so tired lately... I've adjusted to the time difference, so that's not the issue. I think I'm just really beat. blah

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Neue Pinakothek

After unpacking and settling in a bit, I went to the Neue Pinakothek. It was founded by Kind Ludwig I of Bavaria, to house his personal art collection. It was REALLY beautiful. Here's some of my favorite pieces:

A Degas statue

A Toulous-Letrec sketch

A BEAUTIFUL, huge painting by Arthur Georg von Ramburg entitled "The Court of Emperor Frederick II". My point and shoot sucks at colors, and this picture of it definitely doesn't do it justice. Let me see if I can find one online that looks better....

There. That's better. There were four huge canvases of his that were all gorgeous, look him up if you're into Austrian frescoes and genre paintings. Just beautiful.

This is by Heinrich Maria von Hess, entitled "Apollo and the Muses." Again, the colors on this in real life are brilliant and not done justice by my camera.

This was my favorite statue in the museum, a statue of Psyche by Wolf von Hoyer. It was pretty popular, it took me a few shots to get a picture of this without other people in it!

After wandering around the museum for a couple hours, I grabbed some iced coffee and walked around my new neighborhood. I live in north-ish Munich, in an area that I THINK is called Maxvorstadt. There are a lot of cute cafes and little shops around. Of course, since it is a Sunday, most of the shops were closed. But the cafes were all open, and the architecture around is ALWAYS open to look at. At the end of the street my flat is on I stumbled on to this beautiful church right beside the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.

Look at that. And just a 15 minute walk from my flat.

I'm slowly falling in love with all of the intricacies and eccentricities that Munich has to offer. There's a secondhand English-language bookstore a block away from my flat, and I'm going to stop by there after class tomorrow.



Day Three without Clothes

Well, it is my third day in Munich and I have yet to receive my luggage. The clothes I bought at H&M will no longer suffice after today, unless I do a VERY small load of laundry, which I would feel very wasteful doing. I've been trying to reach the lost and found at the Munich airport all day but the line has been busy. Honestly, I just want my luggage back. I don't see how this is that difficult, it is AT the Munich airport. It just hasn't made it's way to me. It's such a beautiful day out today and I want to go exploring but I'm afraid to leave my flat in case the people come by with the luggage. I even walked past a place that had vegetarian doner!! ugh. This stinks.

Last night was very fun, though. My flatmate Celia and I met her friend Martina and went to a "girls only" flea market. It was a sort of pop-up thing that's become so popular in the US. It was a bunch of girls selling clothes and accessories to other girls. I bought a cute plaid vest, a necklace, and a ring. I'm becoming a sucker for kitschy jewelry these days, and at 3-5e a piece it's terribly affordable as well.

I still haven't had a German beer yet, but I've been so tired by the time it comes to drink that I'd be useless if I did so anyhow. Once I shake off this jet lag (AND GET MY LUGGAGE BACK) things will be easier, for sure.

Tomorrow is my first day of classes....... we'll see how that goes. I'm excited.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Still No Clothes

My luggage is still somewhere over the Earth right now, probably in the middle of the Atlantic but hopefully somewhere over Europe. Which means I have a pair of jeans, two shirts, and a dress to my name. Half of that was bought yesterday at H&M... which also means that going out to a pub tonight is probably out of the question. Which is fine because I'm terribly tired/jetlagged anyhow and probably wouldn't be too much fun.

I woke up this morning around 7:30 which was really silly, but I went to bed last night around 9:00. I couldn't help it, I was just so tired. For some reason this jet lag is a lot worse than what I had in China, but I'll be alright.

Yesterday I went to Marienplatz to buy some clothes. On the way there I took some pictures of my neighborhood, it's very cute. I'm living on Schellingstrasse, which is just north of the City Center. It's about a 20 minute walk to school, and a 25 minute U Bahn ride to Marienplatz. Marienplatz is where the Rathaus is, and where most tourists go when they visit Munich. There's lots of cute shops and restaurants there. Unfortunately I was wayyy too tired to do much more than get clothes, a SIM card, lunch, and gelato and then come back home yesterday. My flat is very nice as well, I'll take some pictures of that tomorrow and post them.

This is the building where my flat is

The street where I live, Schellingstrasse. The apartment buildings are all terribly cute and colorful

Marienplatz, where I got my clothes and first European gelato. yummmmm

Friday, August 26, 2011

Here we go again

I'm in Munich, sans my luggage. My flight to JFK was delayed thanks to the lovely Irene, so I'll supposedly have my luggage tomorrow. We'll see. In the mean time I'm going to brave the 82 degree weather in jeans and Docs to go to H&M and buy some new clothes for the next couple days because I honestly don't know when my luggage will be here. Oh well.

I'm tired and stuff but my flat is absolutely beautiful. I need to buy some electric adapters as well. blahhhblbkjflfkj More to come, I can't think straight right now