Monday, December 12, 2011


I'm a bit frazzled/worn out from island hopping today (Hydra, Poros, Aegina), but I wanted to record a conversation that I've had at least five or six times since I've been in Greece.

Me: Γεια σου/ευχαριστώ (Hello/Thanks you in Greek)
Greek Person: (in English) You speak Greek?!
Me: Ναι, λίγο (Yes, a little).
Greek Person: Are you half Greek?
Me: No.
Greek Person: Why do you speak Greek?
Me: I studied it in University.
Greek Person: In Athens? Here?
Me: No, in the US. In Seattle.
Greek Person: How is this possible?!

There have been a couple variations, but I guess that Americans who don't have Greek family don't typically study Greek? I don't know. It's been really interesting here and lovely and SO WARM. I'm definitely not looking forward to returning to the cold Western European weather. Paris better be really nice (har har har).

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